最近找到了关于自定义 HTML DOM 的事件的方法,分享一下。本人比较懒,不翻译了。

NOTE :  低版本的 IE < 8 不支持

Creating custom events

Events can be created with the  constructor as follows:

var event = new Event('build');// Listen for the event.elem.addEventListener('build', function (e) { ... }, false);// Dispatch the event.elem.dispatchEvent(event);

This constructor is supported in most modern browsers (with Internet Explorer being the exception). For a more verbose approach, see  below.

Adding custom data – CustomEvent()

To add more data to the event object, the CustomEvent interface exists and the detail property can be used to pass custom data.

For example, the event could be created as follows:

var event = new CustomEvent('build', { 'detail': elem.dataset.time });

This will then allow you to access the additional data in the event listener:

function eventHandler(e) {  log('The time is: ' + e.detail);}

The old-fashioned way

The older approach to creating events uses APIs inspired by Java. The following shows an example:

// Create the event.var event = document.createEvent('Event');// Define that the event name is 'build'.event.initEvent('build', true, true);// Listen for the event.document.addEventListener('build', function (e) {  // e.target matches document from above}, false);// target can be any Element or other EventTarget.document.dispatchEvent(event);

Triggering built-in events

This example demonstrates simulating a click (that is programmatically generating a click event) on a checkbox using DOM methods. 

function simulateClick() {  var event = new MouseEvent('click', {    'view': window,    'bubbles': true,    'cancelable': true  });  var cb = document.getElementById('checkbox');   var canceled = !cb.dispatchEvent(event);  if (canceled) {    // A handler called preventDefault.    alert("canceled");  } else {    // None of the handlers called preventDefault.    alert("not canceled");  }}
